
At university in a course with 250 people, and halls with 100 people, yet we stick around the same small group we met in the first week...🎓

Part of an office of 600 people we walk past everyday, yet know nothing about... 💻

Live in a residential building with 150 people, yet the only time we cross paths is in the lift... 🏘️

Member of a gym with many others with the same goals, yet we train alone... 🏋️

We are all part of communities within the same environments, imagine if it was easy to build friendships and broaden out networks.

Introducing IceBreaker Networking - a fun way to find common interests with those in your communities. Everyday we are surrounded by like-minded people, however social norms are preventing us from making these connections. It's time to change this, it's time to start making use of the communities we have around us, whether it be to build friendships or to broaden our networks.